Hello My Angels,
I know its been longer than usual since I sent you all an email. I was having some technical issues with my email service, but the issue is fixed now. Remember, you can always check my Twitter page and blog for the latest updates, promotions and coupons.
Now, please take a moment to look over these 6 important announcements:
1. Terms of Service and Policy Updates
I’ve updated my terms of use and privacy statement in accordance with Europe’s new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). As a business that serves European clients, I now have the required clearly written privacy statement and have added data protection wording to my terms of service.
Here at MasterPsychicOnline, we have no problem complying with GDPR as we’ve been taking privacy and data protection seriously from the beginning, assuring your privacy and never sharing or selling information.
2. Would You Like To Unsubscribe?
My life is about sending and receiving messages. But I don’t like to go where I’m not wanted. It just doesn’t feel right to me. Please understand that I'm more grateful than you'll ever know to have you on my email list, but I have a strong sense this week that some of you are ready to go. Is that true for you? Would you like to unsubscribe?
While I want to continue communicating with you in this way, it's okay if it's time for you to leave the list. Just unsubscribe using this list's built-in unsubscribe feature at the bottom of this email.
3. Booking And Orders
I hope you’ll take a look at section 2 of my Terms of Service regarding Booking and Orders. Clients booking appointments and not showing up or canceling at the last minute has become a big problem. If you cancel an appointment at the last minute or are a no-show, you will lose your VIP discount the next time you book and may not be able to get the best time slots.
When you cancel or don't show up, I lose valuable work time. I lose the hour you missed and another hour for the rescheduled appointment. I do my part by trying to schedule only one client per hour so that I have enough time to prepare myself and recharge between clients. Please do your part as well. Otherwise, I may have to start requiring payment from you at the time of booking, and I don’t want to do that. All new clients, however, will be required to pay in advance of their first reading to prevent misunderstandings and missed appointments.
4. Price Adjustments
Each year my business expenses go up, but I rarely raise prices. I’ve always wanted to be an affordable psychic. Almost three years ago, I raised some prices slightly. Now, I have to make some price adjustments to continue to offer a full range of services.
Starting May 25, I’ll be raising my prices for 15-minute readings. I’ll be adjusting the price of 15-minute online readings and 15-minute text readings. I’ll also be adding new services and removing the 20-minute online reading option since most 15-minute readings go over 20 minutes anyway. Expect more discounts to offset these changes. Check every Sunday and throughout the week for new offers.
5. Vacations
From June through August, my trusted psychic assistant Mishka will be going on vacation to her native India. She will not be available to do free psychic readings. But my other two assistants, Gio and Emma, will step in and help with free readings. So for all my Mishka fans, don’t worry. She will return in September refreshed and ready to help.
I’ll be taking a vacation around June 13th, but I’ll be available on a limited schedule. I’ll keep you updated about my availability.
6. Text Number
The number you have been using to text will be discontinued soon. I tried my best to give clients whom I text all the time my new number, but if I forgot you do not panic. You can contact me and I will provide you with the number, or your next text reading, the number will be provided in the confirmation email.
I am sorry any inconvenience this may cause, but the service I use to send my text messages is going up 3x on their rates.
Thank You!
With my email problems resolved, I hope you write to you more often. I apologize that there are so many rules and regulations we needed to discuss today, but these things are sometimes necessary.
I want to say thank you and that I appreciate you all. It's an honor being your spirit guide and being able to make a difference as a psychic because of you – and that means the world to me. Stay Blessed!
Don't Live Life In The Dark...
Master Psychic Rachel