Turn on your Feminine Genius
Every moment you can decide to make a new start. Let the past go, step into your power and build your own Kingdom. Set yourself up on a blind date with the Divine Feminine. Make life an adventure. Choose to feel good about yourself and your inner strength. You’re way more powerful and a lot less stuck than you think. Just keep reminding yourself that you are brave enough to take the next tiniest step and that this step is the only step that matters right now!
1. Dark is delicious: Have the courage to accept all that you are. Embrace your darkness with the same enthusiasm with which you embrace your light. It's OK not to feel upbeat 24/7. Make peace with your mistakes. That's how you learn your lessons. Forgive yourself for your reactions to the past. Face your demons and take ownership of your weak spots. You may have a day where expectation pulled you down, everything around you spiraled out of control and you re-started the victim mode. Recognize what you are doing. Talk yourself through it, and you will be just fine. We must step inside and sit in the darkness to find our light.
2. Personify sweet ferocity: Women are conditioned to stuff their anger. They are Superheroes of suppressing negative emotions. This isn't healthy for your bodies. Girlfriends- Tap into your rage and anger and express it through your painting or some form of creative expression! Allow that untapped energy to flow through you and out through the paint. I promise you; it will rock your world. At the same time, allow the men in your life to be human and express their vulnerabilities, feelings, and emotions without thinking it is a weakness.
3. Wake the fuck up: Are your family and friends supporting your dreams in living an incredible life? Or are they shitting all over your visions with their negativity? Be careful of whom you let into your inner circle as the energy you are surrounded by can influence the frequency you're vibrating at...either positively or negatively. Be aware and conscious of what you are allowing into your life.
4. Rewrite your story in splendor: Often, women put themselves last in their families and relationships. When do you as a woman say, “It's my time?” Ladies, think about all the things that are important to you and weave it into an autobiography of you. Oh no, not like a boring fact-based documentary. Far from it. It is more like you chronicle all the painful, joyful, uplifting, eye-opening incidents and people in your life. Sure, this will require you to do soul searching and serious reflection. However, what you will get in the end will be a magical, wondrous, awe-inspiring story of your own life. This is something you will cherish forever and will make you see yourself as the enchanting Divine creature you were born to be. Your absolute, unabashed, infectious newfound self-love will inspire other women to fall in love with their life too.
5. Expand your definition of pleasure: Wherever you go, take creativity hand in hand with you. Sing, dance, laugh loudly, roar, and play your way through life. What do you do to pamper yourself? I bathe in some raspberry Epsom salt, dipping Oreo cookies, listening to some neo-soul music with candles and all the lights out. The world is stressful as hell right now. Why not give yourself the gift of pleasure? Connect with Nature, and that allows you to feel one with everything. Feel the LOVE coming your way when you hug a tree, savor fruits lusciously, star gaze, drive by the countryside, grow a garden or lie by a river. Deliberately take pleasure in small joys and watch your life transform in front of your own eyes.
Go out there girl, and get your IV-drip of inspiration to sustain yourself during dark times. For some, reading books can make you feel less alone. For others, letting the sun warm your skin does the magic. As you belly-dance through life, claim a piece of yourself that you may have lost to masculine culture. Jump on the train to discover your own feminine genius and let the spiral begin!
Psychic Apprentice Mishka
Don't Live Life In The Dark...
@Mishka At first I was like, embrace the darkness, no!! But then I read it again and it made a lot of sense. God created the darkness and the light to compliment each other. That’s why we have the moon and the sun. Yin & Yang. In our darkest hour there is a chance to learn more about ourself, life, love, God, there is always a hidden message.
Give yourself time to heal and then move on. Take time to work on you. Healing is an art. It takes time. It takes practice. It takes love.
Thank you Rachel for pointing out how important the darkness is for our own growth. Healing is so important. So often, we refuse to allow ourselves time to heal before beginning again. Not dealing with the wounds and pain of what has happened is a sure fire way to carry emotional baggage into your new relationships, friendships, workplace etc.
@Mishka this is a very empowering article. I like your unique approach on this. I love your line “We must step inside and sit in the darkness to find our light.” It’s a deep statement but so true. This article is deep period. I had to read a couple times to get the full understanding, but I get it, like I said very empowering. Thanks for sharing this with us & being so open and honest.