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Time To Dream Big And Move Forward In Your Life

Updated: Nov 13, 2018

We must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope.

– Martin Luther King, Jr.

Now more than ever before in my life, I sense deep pain in the world and in the hearts of family, friends, clients and associates. The world in general and the United States in particular is facing a bleak time of division and hopelessness. But you can't lose hope. Momentary disappointments on a global scale or in your life aren't a reason to lose infinite hope.

As we remember civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. this weekend, we must also remember the times in which he lived. His most remembered work was his “I Have A Dream” speech, delivered in Washington, D.C. It was given in a time of much greater division than most people of my generation have ever experienced – yet he was hopeful enough to have a dream.

You can always dream big things and move forward with your life even when the global situation seems stalled or moving backwards.

You see, all that really matters is your personal journey. Political systems come and go, and world leaders all eventually fade away. But no matter what's going on in the world, you can move forward in hopefulness and do what you need to do for a better life. And I'm here to help in any way I can.

Happy MLK Day! Come celebrate with me : )

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Expires: 01/17/17

Master Psychic Rachel

Don't Live Life In The Dark...



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