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The Good, The Bad & (A Little) Ugly

Hello My Angels,

I hope you’re doing well, had a wonderful holiday season and were able to spend quality time with your loved ones. I wish you all the best for the new year. May the coming year be filled with joy, happiness and all the things that bring you satisfaction and contentment.

Along with the new year comes some changes. I must provide you with some new 411, which includes good and bad news and just a little that’s ugly. I don't want to leave you in the dark or surprise you, so let's get right into it. Feel free to skip to the section you want to read first.

The Good

  1. New Year Readings - Most of you know that the beginning of the year is one of the busiest times for me and other psychics. Many of my clients like to start the new year off right by getting a 13-card reading from me. Because I lay out a card for each month of the year plus a bonus card that will tell you what to expect, plan for or be prepared for, New Year's readings are some of the most sought-after and valuable. These readings are only available in January with any paid 30-minute reading. If you want a new year reading, tell me at the beginning of the reading (not in the middle or at the end), and I'll be happy to look into things for you. I like these kinds of readings because I can keep them and look back at them throughout the year. This way, we can always be ready for whatever comes our way. If this sounds like something you might be interested in, make sure to book your reading before the end of the month so I can get your chart ready for the new year.

  2. VIP Discount - If you are a VIP client who has seen me throughout the year but hasn’t taken advantage of my Christmas promotion, feel free to book a reading and receive your New Year's discount. I will provide you a spontaneous discount based on how often you see me, how long you've been a client and what I can afford to offer. I can't say how much that will be right now, but if you use this promo code when booking your "New Year Reading," I will invoice you accordingly. This code won't work at checkout, but it will work when you make an appointment and add it to the notes.

  3. Walk-In Wednesdays - Over the next month or so, I'm going to try something new. If you visit me via my chat and schedule a reading on Walk-In Wednesdays, you can choose to receive your reading immediately and pay for it later. This offer is for trusted VIP clients who have been coming to me regularly over the years. You can receive a 30-minute online, phone or text message reading and be billed prior to or after the reading with payment due within 3 days. I will inform you of the rate that you will be charged, and you will have until Saturday to take care of the invoice that will be sent to you. This is only an experiment per client requests and may be discontinued at any time. The only catch is that unless prior arrangements are made, your access to this promotion will be revoked if payment is not received by Saturday. Since I know that many of you do not get paid until Friday, my hope is that this will help you just as much as it will be of assistance to me.

  4. More Sales - This year, I'll try my best to run more sales, and after reading the paragraphs that follow, you'll understand why I’m making this commitment. Before scheduling any reading, please check to see if I’m running any specials. Specials will start after the New Year's rush. Remember, unless you provide me with a coupon code, you will be invoiced at your regular VIP Rate, so please check before scheduling. So that's the good news, and I hope to bring you even more throughout the year. Now for the bad...

  5. Rate Increases - My business, like many others, is suffering greatly from inflation. Rent, food and business expenses have all risen, as I’m sure we are all aware. After much deliberation, blood, sweat and tears, I have no choice but to raise my rates if I am to survive in this crushing economy. I rarely raise my prices. Once, it took me almost 10 years to give myself a raise, and the last time I went up on my rates was several years ago. I had high hopes that I would be able to find a way around it, but if I don't go up I may have to make some difficult choices that could limit my availability to you, and I don’t want that to happen. My goal is to be here for you as much as possible and as often as possible. Beginning January 15th, some VIP clients will notice a $5 to $10+ increase, depending on the type of reading you receive and how long and frequently you see me. Although I have no immediate plans to change the pricing structure on the website, I feel it’s only fair to let you know that it’s possible. This price hike will have the most significant impact on clients whose current rates are extremely low in comparison to my normal rate. You will still be eligible for your $5 discount, and I will continue to make every effort to keep prices as low as possible. Please be aware that changes are necessary for me to continue operating and to be available to you and others as needed. When you receive an invoice after the 15th, you will notice these rate changes. Just know that this is what I must do to continue operating and offering you high-quality service.

  6. Some Services Disappearing - Soon, you won't be able to find certain services on my site that aren't getting much attention, though they might make a comeback during limited-time promotions – like the McRib sandwich at McDonald's. It's time for spring cleaning, and I'm working toward the goal of a simpler, more streamlined website design. If a service is rarely used, there is no point in keeping it online. Now on to the ugly…

  7. Cancellation Fees - Most of my clients either do not cancel or cancel within a reasonable amount of time. However, there are some people who make it a pattern to exploit loopholes in the system to gain an unfair advantage. Clients who cancel more than twice within a year without providing me with at least a 2-hour notice prior to the scheduled appointment will be subject to a cancellation fee of $25, beginning immediately. Before services can be rendered, this fee must first be paid in full. If the invoice is not paid immediately, you will be assessed a late payment fee of $30, which will be added to any subsequent invoice if you decide to retain my services in the future. The purpose of this fee is to cut down on the number of appointments that are canceled so that time slots can be given to those who respect my time and want to see me. When a customer cancels an appointment with me, I may lose money because someone else can’t get in to see me at that time. When you book, your time slot is reserved specifically for you. It wasn't that bad, was it? I sincerely hope that I won't lose you as a client because of these changes, but I can certainly understand if my prices are not within your budget. I promise that I will always do everything possible to keep rates low. I also promise that with each reading, I will continue to give you as much time as I possibly can. It's not uncommon for me to give my clients an extra 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes with a regular paid reading. I appreciate your time. I hope you will soon come in for your new year’s reading so you can be ready for 2023. I look forward to speaking with you soon, and in the meantime, please keep an eye out for any upcoming events or sales. This is the year of the seven (2+0+2+3), and I hope that we can talk more about that very soon. Thank you for being my client, and I wish you all the best for the year ahead. With warm regards and best wishes, Master Psychic Rachel Don’t Live Life In The Dark…


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