Here is a page out of my psychic journal, my psychic to-do list, and the behind-the-scenes stuff I do on a regular basis when I am not doing readings. I try my best to complete most of the things on this list every day, but putting this list on top of mommy duties can keep a psychic mom busy. There never seem to be enough hours in the day to get it all done, but I do the best that I can, as I am always on this quest to do the most with my time.
Sometimes, if I am feeling overwhelmed with tasks, I may shorten this list to my top five or ten things. I try to eat the frog when I wake up and do the hardest things right away upon waking. I would have to say that taking notes is the most time-consuming part of my day, and finding the motivation to write an engaging blog post can sometimes be taxing.
Otherwise, I love what I do, so although this list is big and seems to be growing every day, it fills my heart with joy. I am doing what I love to do: helping others while sharpening my skills.
Master Psychic Rachel
Don't Live Life In The Dark