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It's Been Awhile...

Updated: Nov 13, 2018

I recognize it has been a while since I have blogged, but since the kids being out of school, they've been keeping me very busy. We departed on vacation early in the summer to Jacksonville, FL, to visit my cousin and see her newborn baby. We had a blast, visiting the beach and touring the beautiful city, It was a lot more beautiful than I had imagined. I heard a bunch of bad things about Jacksonville, FL, so I already had some preconceived notions about the place. But my children and I did not feel intimidated at all, we actually enjoyed ourselves, felt rather at home.

We were actually really close to leaving Ga and relocating to Jacksonville FL. I had actually looked at a some cute homes about 10 min from the beach and was inches away from putting a down payment on a rental. But something in my gut told me not to do it, actually my assistant said to me, it wouldn't be wise to move where you vacation, I need to feel it out more, and she was right….

It was extremely hot in FL, the air was thick and there were lots of creepy crawly’s, weird sounds, and spirits, but I guess the palm trees excited me, the ocean breeze and the fact I was only 10 minutes away from the beach was a major motivating factor. As large bodies of water seem to feed my psychic energy…. Only in the end, I resolved to stay put in Ga.

Surprisingly, as well, it has been a very busy summer with clients. Normally during the summer months, things slow down a bit and I have more free time to twiddle my thumbs, blog and connect with new clients, but this summer, I can’t say that. I am not complaining, trust me, but things have been a good type of busy, reconnecting with a lot's of VIP clients.

I have been going back and forth also on a new site I am puzzling out. I had attempted to construct a site last year, but ended up not liking it, so I am back at it again, working on a new site, bits at a time, for months now. I am hoping to soon upgrade my site with a nice little facelift, because, after almost 10 yrs my site being on the web, I think it's time for an update, sleek, classy new look…. I will keep you all posted though as things progress, thus far, I am liking how things are coming on with the new site. I am hoping to make the site more user-friendly, so it is even easier to get in touch with me.

But, I appreciate everyone's patience with me and this blog. I am hoping to update the blog a little more often once things settle down and the kids are back in school. If your looking for daily updates or coupons, don't forget to follow me on my Twitter page, as that tends to be my social hangout spot :)

Have a Blessed Day!

Master Psychic Rachel Don’t Live Life In The Dark

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