How To Lose Your Man Once And For All
Having talked to thousands of people all over the world -- men and woman alike -- I can clearly see what some of the most important and most common relationship breakers are. And I can say this: no matter what part of the world you’re in, love is the same. So is pain.
So if you’re ready to lose your man, there’s no quicker way than to follow these steps:
Nitpick. Keep nagging your man about things all day every day and you can be sure to push him out the door. Sure, the fact he always leaves the toilet seat up can be a little annoying. And the fact that he doesn’t respond to your texts right away is as grating on your nerves as fingernails going down a chalkboard. And there are a millions other things he does wrong too. Just keep pointing out every flaw -- like he isn’t even a human who’s worthy of respect -- and you’re sure to push him away quickly.
Be insecure. When he met you, you seemed like a pretty secure woman. You really did. You had it all going on, and no one could tell you anything. Now that you have him, it’s like you’ve started doubting yourself. Every time things go wrong, you start picking at yourself and not acting like the secure woman you once were. Your man was once blind to your insecurities, but now he’s starting to seeing them too -- since you’ve enlightened him so thoroughly on what they are. Now, he’s starting to doubt you too. Keep doubting yourself and your man will be certain to find the door.
Turn your back on your friends. Where are all the friends you use to have? Why are you so stuck under him? If you had friends and things to do with them, you wouldn’t have to be so worried about every little move he makes. He has friends, doesn't he? And sometimes he even seems to put then before you, doesn’t he? Lose your friends and act like you have no one on your side, then your man can treat you any way he wants because he knows no one is there to stick up for you and question his actions anyway.
Stop dressing up. That’s right. Go ahead and stop taking care of yourself, stop going to the gym, stop dressing up, stop putting on your makeup and stop doing your hair. You’ve got him, after all, so you don’t have to do that anymore, right? Never mind if he’s eyeballing the next stylish, young, confident woman that comes into his life. That doesn’t matter to you. He’s yours and he comes home to you every night, right? Eventually he won’t.
Don’t give him space. Be up under him all the time and he’ll leave quicker than you ever thought possible. Every time he goes somewhere, go ahead and think he’s with another woman. Smother him good. This is a sure way to get him to go running for the hills where he can find some peace. Wouldn’t you like it if he was right under your nose whenever you wanted some time to yourself?
If your goal is to keep your man rather than losing him, however, why not do the opposite of what I advise here? In fact, that’s my point. If you’re a generous, sincere, confident, beautiful and respectful woman who treats her man well and gives him space when he needs it, you’ll have guys flocking to you -- and the one you choose will want to stay with you forever.
Are you better at attracting men or scaring them away? And could you make some changes in how you deal with the men around you to make your relationships go more smoothly? Strong men like strong women, and you deserve a guy who’s confident in who he is and likes who you are.
Master Psychic Rachel
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