Dating While Quarantined? We’re Discussing It! (And A Promo Code For You)
Love is like a virus. It can happen to anybody at any time.
- Maya Angelou
I was surprised to find this quote from author and inspirational speaker Maya Angelou. She couldn’t have known when she wrote this years ago how appropriate it would be for today. Or could she? I hope everyone is dealing with the current world situation as well as possible and making the most of any extra time you have. I’m writing today to tell you about my new podcast that you can listen to now. It’s about relationships – but maybe not so much about love.
Quarantine Bae With Latoya Luck from SipnMatch.com
The Urban Dictionary says a “quarantine bae” is someone who means the world to you while you’re in quarantine – but not so much once it’s over. (At least that’s my interpretation.) Some people who may not be well-matched are agreeing to date just for a while. But there’s a huge potential to get hurt if you aren’t both on the same page. I know that more of my clients are using dating apps than ever before, so I thought you might like to hear me discuss this topic and more with someone who also has some strong opinions. Visit this link and hear my conversation with life coach Latoya Luck from SipnMatch.com:
It’s a casual and fun conversation between two passionate and eccentric people.
A Little Something For You
Whether you’re trying to date or not, I know this is a stressful time for many of my clients. It certainly is for me. I’ve heard from many of you about your concerns for yourself, your kids and the world – and how to navigate this temporary new way of doing things. You know that I always want everyone to be able to speak with me, so I always have specials available. Here’s a promo code to make it a little easier to fit my advice and insights into your budget:
*Get 30% Off Most Readings
Promo Code: QuarantineBae
Expires: 05/17/20
Remember that no matter what’s happening in the world, I’m always here for you. Helping you navigate life’s tough issues and decisions is why I do this. Stay safe – and stay in touch.
Master Psychic Rachel
Don't Live Life In The Dark
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