My Vaccine Leap Of Faith (And An Offer!)
The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.
– Neil deGrasse Tyson
Hello My Angels,
I hope you’re well and that life is treating you kindly. Thank you for being on my mailing list and for being a loyal or curious customer. I’m writing to give you a heads-up on my latest podcast. It’s about my decision to trust science despite my skepticism.
I Got The Shot!
I recently uploaded a new podcast entitled “Covid Shot - My Psychic Experience.” It’s about my experience getting the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
It explains my personal experience – sharing my paranoia and the unusual things I experienced with the shot. So, if you want to check it out, follow this link:
Keep in mind that I’m not a doctor, so do not use the opinions and information I give you as a substitute for guidance from your doctor, the CDC or your local health authorities. But if you want to hear an honest story, please listen. I chose to step out on faith, and I’m glad I did.
An Offer For You
If you book a reading over the next few days and you’re one of the brave souls who has started or completed your vaccination process, I’m offering you $15 off any 30 minute or longer reading. I trust you, so proof of vaccination is not required. Just use the promo code: I'm Vaccinated
This promotion expires April 30, 2021.
One More Thing
VIP Clients: If you haven’t already, be sure to join my birthday club so I never miss your birthday – and you never miss a holiday coupon. I will be sending special holiday coupons throughout the year to those who join my birthday club. Sign up now through the VIP Area.
Stay blessed – and please stay safe. We can do this.
Master Psychic Rachel
Don't Live Life In the Dark...