I want you to be among the first to know that MasterPsychicOnline.com is getting a much needed facelift! I think you will like the faster, more modern and more up-to-date look and feel of the site.
It's been almost 10 years since I started my own website, and I remember how scary it was when I decided to step away from my years of working for one of the well-known psychic websites and start my own business. The fear of change was initially paralyzing , but I put faith in the higher power and my spirit guides. Now, it's been almost a decade since starting my business in the hospital while on bed rest for two months trying to hold in my severely premature son. Through the years, I've connected with thousands and thousands of amazing people, including you.
Over the next week as I transfer my domain to the new site, you may notice some brief site outages and other performance issues, but don't panic. I'm still here and even more accessible than ever. And after the new site launches, there will still be construction going on to make things perfect for you. Please excuse the mess as I get things in order. Most of the site will be up and functional right away, but the mobile site may take a bit of time to tweak. So please bear with me until I announce the official grand opening of the new MasterPsychicOnline.com . In the meantime, please familiarize yourself with the new site. I hope you're ready to say goodbye to the old and hello to the new.
The improved site will have some great new features, including being able to make payment through a shopping cart and instantly applying promotional codes at checkout to receive your discount. Remember, all repeat clients get an automatic $5 off any reading if you use code "VIP Client", so make sure you save this promotional code so you can continue to use it in the future.
In addition, you'll be able to see some of my new artwork when you come to the site. Plus, reviews can now be posted more quickly to the site and seen on the homepage. There will even be a fresh new blog layout that will make the latest thoughts and ideas easier to find and easier to read.
The blue crystal ball will still be there so you can instantly access me as usual through your PC. Cell phone and tablet users will also be able to chat with me through the mobile site. I plan to put up a store where I might be able to interest you in my homemade soaps or maybe you might be interested in one of my unique finds from local rummage sales, thrift stores and consignment shops. And more than anything, the modern new site will be a little more pleasing to the eye while making connecting with me as simple and consistent as possible.
During this transition, I may not be able to show my cards through chat as I normally do, but I'm working on getting that all squared away as soon as possible.
I was going to wait to release the site until it was all perfect, but getting a website perfect can often take weeks or even months. Releasing it early now motivates me to complete it in a more timely manner. I don't want to delay these improvements any longer because you deserve the best possible experience.
Thank you so much for your patience as I try to make your experience with me better and more fulfilling. Look for many new features to pop up soon -- and don't be surprised if you see menus and buttons being switched around until I get everything just right.
And once the official public launch date is set, I'll let you know. There will be some special promotions during this time that you won't want to miss.